PokerStars School is currently creating a new design website to host our Poker Courses & Strategy Articles. In the meantime, we have created several chat rooms over on Discord to discuss anything related to the School. Here you’ll be able to ask questions in real time. Join our Discord Channel.
- PokerStars School tutors run regular online classes on Twitch to introduce new players to different aspects of the game. View our schedule, watch the classes and interact with our experts today.
- Practicing Poker for Free. Poker Starting Hands. Entering the Pot.
After joining our discord channel you’ll be able to take part in any of our chat rooms:
- school_news – Find news and updates.
- school_general – Ask questions.
- school_handreviews – Post hand histories for review.
- pokerstars_school_de – German speaking community.
- pokerstars_school_ru – Russian speaking community.
- pokerstars_school_br – Portuguese speaking community.
- pokerstars_school_es – Spanish speaking community.
- pokerstars_school_it – Italian speaking community.
- pokerstars_school_fr – French speaking community.
PokerStars School - Poker Tips & Strategy Learn to Play Poker for Free with PokerStars School! PokerStars School is an online training site that lets you learn the basics and start playing for fun. It’s got everything you need to improve your game and perfect your skills at a pace that suits you.

Poker Courses, Live Training & Videos

If you’re looking for Poker strategy content, we have Live Training available on Twitch plus a library of previous Twitch Training Sessions. Or check out our library of videos on YouTube.
Pokerstars Online Poker School Freeroll Password
Pokerstars Poker School

Q) When will the PokerStars School be back online?
A) Our aim is to have the School back online by the end of October.
Q) How can I get tickets?
A) Currently no PokerStars School tournaments are running, the best place to stay up to date is Discord or Twitter.
Q) Will the Leagues be back?
A) We are looking into options to start new Leaderboards, this will be discussed with the community.
Q) Is Live Training on Twitch still available?
A) We shall continue to offer live training on Twitchduring the following days/times:
- Wednesday – Pete Clarke – 6pm (BST)
- Thursday – Nick OP Poker – 6pm (BST)

Q) Will all the Poker courses and strategy articles be in the new Schools?
A) Absolutely, we have also been creating new content, which will be added to the new site.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, we shall keep you updated.
If you’ve never been here before, this is the PokerStars Blog, which brings you all the latest news from PokerStars, live tournaments, recent winner interviews, plus updates on everything that’s happening, you’ll find some really amazing stories here. Visit PokerStars Blog.
PokerStars School is designed to welcome you to the world of poker. It offers comprehensive training and a unique method of tracking your poker play completely free of charge.
With PokerStars School, you have the opportunity to learn poker beginning with the basics. Each lesson builds on the last and lets you try out your new skills at PokerStars, either at real or play money tables. The courses have been developed with the help of poker experts.
For more information visit the PokerStars School section on our website.

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